Hydora's 6th Moon
16 Hydorian Days
Hydora IV
Veteris Gift:
Telepathy, increased speed (due to the nature of Celerians and the speed at which they do everything, almost every Celerian is faster on Veteris)
Veteris Curse:
Extreme body odor that repels most aquatic creatures
Groog is from one of the water moons of the planet Hydora. His family has controlled the Hydora IV portal to Veteris for thousands of years. Groog is the fasted Celerian in his generation, but he is lazy and rebellious and often fails to follow many of the fastidious traditions, particularly with regards to food and hygiene. His species is known for their quick lives and the speed at which they accomplish everything. Speed is treasured in his society and the faster a Celerian is, the more status and notoriety they gain.
“Kaylee will meet her soon, from what the waves tell me.”
Her blood ran cold at his ominous warning, and a hot breath hissed in her ear. The sensation was fleeting, but it felt like someone was looking over her shoulder. She shivered, though she was standing in warm water with the sun shining down on her. Groog swam forward instantly, reaching out an appendage to take her hand. His was warm and soft: fluid, yet solid, like watery gelatin. “Shall I escort you to the dry part?” Groog asked, concern emanating from him.